
Warren Thompson

Warren discovered photography by accident during his senior year in college. While working in a lab with a darkroom, a professor took interest in his curiosity and showed him how to make prints; Warren has been enjoying photography ever since that day. After a few years he decided to teach photography and attended Rochester Institute of Technology for some introductory classes. Warren then returned to Florida State University to complete a MFA degree. He prefers street photography and documenting the landscape and people that surround him. Warren is always ready for a “road trip” and his favorite advice is “shoot more”. He taught in and developed the photography program at Pensacola State College. In 2008 Warren retired from teaching but he remains active in shooting, exhibiting and bookmaking. He was recently honored to have his work chosen for Oxford American’s blog “Eyes On The South” by Jeff Rich which was reblogged by NPR radio pictures on Tumblr.

In 2017 Warren was honored to have a solo exhibition of his project, “Moon Pies” shown at the Pensacola Museum of Art. This show documented the Mardi-Gras experience in Mobile, AL. Which is home of the oldest carnival celebration in America and a unique Southern tradition. Clicking on the red READ NOW button in the following link will allow you to preview the exhibition catalog that accompanies this show. Pensacola magazine for Jan. 2017 contains an article about the Moon Pies Exhibition.

Warren’s work is available for exhibition and purchase. Please use the contact page for discussion and comments. Warren welcomes and appreciates your visit.